Observation Reflection

Last week, my students were on their final lab day of the egg osmosis lab. The lab spans 4 days and the purpose of the lab is for students to observe how water moves in and out of an egg that is placed in different types of solutions through the process of osmosis. The lab requires students to record both qualitative and quantitative data so concepts students have learned in the earlier part of the school year are being reintroduced like the different variables of independent, dependent, and control. I noticed that students still struggled with these terms and how to apply them so I spent my time working with small groups of students to explain the variables in different ways. At this point, I’m used to providing in class support to a few students at a time, but this time felt a little different. I feel like now my students really know me and I’ve established the rapport needed to instill trust. I will want to continue to build on that foundation with each of my students.

With that said, my mentor also has a really good rapport with the students. He uses humor to entertain students throughout each lesson. Because of the free spirited personality he conveys, the classroom environment reciprocates that. When talking about the plasma membrane, my mentor uses examples students are familiar with like the school or their home. Those examples then fuel more questions and responses from students that showcase their creative thoughts.  Students know that there is no “stupid” question so students will ask questions that may or may not always relate to the topic at hand. Every opportunity is a learning opportunity for each student and there’s always an emphasis on effort versus getting the right answer. Students are also able to use their iPads for research at any point so they have that autonomy if they want further clarification.  From what I’ve observed thus far, I do think my mentor has created an environment in which students can pursue knowledge of their own interests and I’m fortunate enough to see the creative learning that goes on each day I am observing!


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