
Showing posts from March, 2018

Philosophy of Assessment

Assessments are an integral part of the teaching and learning process. I believe formative assessments are great tools to measure student learning. The data from assessments can also help educators, like myself, to improve and differentiate instruction. Observations of student engagement during lessons and course evaluations will also be a good indicator of how effective instruction is. In my classroom, formative assessments will be greatly used in forms of homework, quizzes, papers, and projects. These assessments will be fair, reliable, and valid as they will match the learning target. Incorporating technology is also important with the world shifting to more of a technology-dependent society. I will use apps such as Kahoot to do short in class quizzes and utilize online labs for biology since that is my field of expertise. Since my content area is biology, I want to convey to my students that biology is applicable to the real world. I want to ensure that my in cl